Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bad Mom Day!

Okay, today was a really bad Mom day. I have a very challenging middle child. He wants what he wants and he won't take no for an answer. He gets me to the point where I just want to wring his neck. His nickname is Stinker. He even laughs if I spank him. I love being a Mom. Most days are pretty good, but there are those days, like today, when I think I am a complete failure as a mother. I just want to lock myself in my room and cry. It probably doesn't help that Ryan has been gone a lot with his new job. He is working so hard. I am so proud of him. At least we have cell phones right? So I can call and complain. Okay, so I am going to end my pity party and go put my kids to bed!


Mandy said...

Hey Misty I have 3 just like him! It's hard being a mom, huh! your page is soo cute! Love it.

Linde said...

Hang in there Mist, hope you have a better day. We all have those very challenging days.

Dawn said...

My 3rd is nicknamed Stinker. Ryan is such a handful and I love that I have my phone to call and complain to his dad. Hang in there, these are little struggles compared with what is to come...

Mindful Mothering said...

Hey Misty,
It's Sarah Brooks... your boys are so cute - I love the picture at the top! How fun that you are in contact with friends from HS :-) Gotta love it when you can put the kids in bed after one of those days! I'm at

Cami said...

I had a day just like that yesterday. Nothing like feelin like a mean, grouchy, impatient mom. Let's just hope that they don't remember those days. Hang in there! Hang in there! Your not alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Misty it's Jill "Rhoton". How are you? Your fam is so cute...what's up w/ all the boys?:) You need some girls in there. Anyways it was fun to see your blog, mine is