Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kid's Say the Darndest Things

The other night I was putting the boys to bed and Brock said his prayers, then I turned to Jackson and asked, "Are you ready to say your prayers?" He says, "No, thank you." I say, "You don't want to say prayers?" He says, "No, thank you." "Jackson, you don't want to talk to Heavenly Father?" Jack says, "Oh, I would love to!" and then proceeds to say his prayers. It is funny how they change their minds when you change how you say something!


Jennifer said...

How funny, and how polite "no, thank you". By the way your boys look more like twins than mine do!

Mandy said...

Cute boys Misty. Don't you love the things they say in thier prayers too. I wish I could record Bella's prayers, they are so funny. What else is going on with you?

Dawn said...

That's cute. My Ryan will agree to things he otherwise wouldn't if I put a different spin on it. He also wants to always be the one to pray, but we have to take turns so he is the echo.