Friday, November 21, 2008


Who would be crazy enough to stay up half the night to be the first to see said movie? Well me and the girls above. We went to the midnight showing of Twilight last night and it was a blast. I cannot believe how many teenage girls were there! Where are these kids parents???? There were people waiting in line at 8 a.m. that morning. No thank you! We did have to sit in the fourth row, but it was not too bad. Another highlight of the night was that I ran into my childhood friend and neighbor Michelle (Slade) Connolly. It has been years! We reminisced and caught up, it was so good to see you Michelle - keep in touch. Oh, and the movie, I thought, was great! I am not much a critic though, I am easily entertained!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Amazing little spirits!

Have I mentioned recently how much I love this boy? He is so amazing and so sweet (most of the time). He was outside after church today watching the storm roll in and he comes inside and says to me, "Mom, come look."
I say, "What Brock?" (I was reading my new book that Ryan got me The Peacegiver and didn't want to come look.)
"Mom, come here, the Eternal Father is coming!"
At first I laughed a little, but then realized that it may not be that far off. I am so thankful for these amazing little spirits that he sent me that are so excited to see their Savior again!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


It was a good one. Lots of food, fun and CANDY! We had a neighborhood block party that was a lot of fun. Brock came up to me at one point with his head down and when I asked him what was wrong, he said "I put alcohol in my bucket". What! I guess he went over to a neighbor's cooler and thought he would get himself a soda - they quickly informed him that he did not want alcohol. He was really embarrassed about the whole thing. When we got inside, he says, "Mom, what is alcohol?" It was a great time for a teaching moment. He is always so concerned about doing the right thing, he thought he was in trouble. I am so thankful for him.

I am looking forward now to my most favorite part of the year!

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Cherished Friends!

We have been so happy and blessed to have our close friends The Macks back in Arizona. I guess it will be short lived, they will be moving Colorado in December :( We will miss them greatly, but we are really enjoying the time that we have right now. Brock and Brynley have been the best of friends since they were babies. They were only 10 days apart. They get along so well. He endulges her when she wants to do "Dancing with the Stars" (I wish I had video, it was so cute), and she is right there with him when they are building clubs, wrestling or exploring for bugs. I hope they will always stay close. We love you guys!

Clean boys!

I had just got Porter dressed and went to get Jackson some clothes when I came back to this. He was so proud of himself!
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